Chuck D Shares His Thoughts On “#OscarsSoWhite”

Public Enemy rapper, Chuck D, shared his thoughts on the #OscarsSoWhite controversy last night while the Oscars were on. Chuck D thinks it is more important for black communities to support their arts rather than award shows. He states, “WHEN you CANNOT TEACH the ARTS in your community schools as HISTORY you leave it up to the Govt & Corps to DEFINE you, thus we wait for AWARD.” Chuck D feels the black community pays more attention to sports, he tweeted, “There is a REASON folks dont know s**t about music film history etc, but sportsworld will LEAVE you if you dumb on the game.”

While diversity continues to be an issue, it is important for the black communities to support movies with black actors not playing stereotypical roles. Also like Chuck D was saying, it is important to educate people in the Arts. This education can inspire future directors, actors, screenwriters, musicians, etc.

What are your thoughts on what Chuck D had to say?