Stacey Dash Read Some Mean Tweets Backstage Following Her Awkward Oscars Appearance

At the Oscars, Stacey Dash was involved in a funny part of Chris Rock’s monologue as his choice for the Academy Awards new director of minority outreach. At least it was meant to be funny and play up on Dash’s recent barbs against BET and Black History Month. Some in the audience did not get the joke and it made for quite an awkward moment.

So for comparison, Dash decided to hop Twitter backstage and go through some of the mean tweets she got responding to her appearance. Unlike the Oscar crowd, who didn’t provide much response at all, the folks on Twitter were happy to dish out a little hatred towards Dash.

When Jimmy Kimmel is involved, these segments are usually pretty funny. Even the clips featuring adult film stars have a laugh or two involved. This one is just brutal. Like reading a normal Twitter timeline, but then deciding to film it and post it online.

She tops off the video by taking the higher road, shrugging off the claims that her comments are based on race and holding firm to the idea that her comments are based on her own beliefs. All that aside, the Oscars thing was a pretty funny joke until this.

(Via Patheos)

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