Miley Cyrus Is Threatening To Leave The Country If Donald Trump Becomes President

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Getty Image / Joe Scarnici

It is a time honored tradition, in this great country of ours, to threaten to leave these United States of America if a political election doesn’t go the way you want. You hear it every time there is a presidential election, and this year, with Donald Trump’s political successes, you are probably going to hear it a lot. A particularly notable name has already made the threat to leave the country should Trump win, and it is noted wallflower Miley Cyrus.

Tuesday was known as “Super Tuesday” in the United States, with several states holding primaries and caucuses. It was also a big day for Trump, and Cyrus took note. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy. Posting a graph showing how many delegates Trump managed, Cyrus’ message was simple:

Despite her disappointment, at least Cyrus was able to work a clever play on one of her songs into her assertion she was going to leave the country. Cyrus didn’t end things there, though, because she also posted a picture of some bloody hands that she clearly took from somebody else’s Instagram. The original Instagram had something to do with a moose hunt, but Cyrus had a different point to make:

Of course, Trump hasn’t been named president yet, so Cyrus may not have to make good on her threat. However, unlike most people who threaten to leave the country, Cyrus could actually make good on it, on account of the fact she is a rich and famous musical superstar.