Johnny Depp Goes Ahead And Calls Donald Trump A Brat Before Doing His Impression

Johnny Depp stopped by Arizona State University to talk about acting. He somehow ended up talking about Donald Trump, and it’s pretty darn hilarious.

He applies a bunch of pretentious actor speak (probably by design) to explaining his Trump impression. “There’s something created in the sense of bullydom,” Depp says. “But what he is, I believe, is a brat.” This punchline gets a lot of cheers and applause. He then breaks into his impression, really leaning on that famous Trump exaggeration and over-enunciation, with statements like this:

I’m going to build a wall. A fabulous wall. A sensational wall. And all of my billion are not going to have pay for it. Because you know why? Mexico is going to pay for it.

I wonder if Depp has seen this interview with Bob Woodward where Trump alludes to going to war with Mexico over the wall if it comes down to it. That could give him some material.

This isn’t the first time that Depp has done a Donald Trump impression, though. He’s already broken it out for Funny or Die, complete with elaborate make up that he took off on video to terrifying effect. Can’t wait to see where this performance pops up next.