Peak Laziness Has Been Achieved Now That You Can Now Order Pizza With ‘Zero Clicks’

At about precisely the moment we finally got the hang of ordering Dominos via Twitter, the pizza giant unleashed even easier albeit more dangerous ordering technology. It’s a new app that automatically orders what you want “without a single click.”

The app launched on Wednesday and it’s pretty simple. You download the app and as soon as your belly starts grumbling, you open the app. That’s all. When you open the app, a 10 second timer appears and if you don’t cancel the timer, your order is sent.

This all comes as really good news for butts, who’ve been seeking to not be moved ever since we started sitting on them. The advent of touchscreen technology led to countless failed attempts at contacting strangers but these failures have only fueled the fight for posterior independence. Now our butts will exercise true autonomy as they cross the barrier from inside our pants to the wallets inside our pockets.

Dominos is all about that tech game and it seems to be working for them. Last month they revealed they were working on robot technology that would replace delivery people. How do you even tip robots? Can you do it from your phone? Can the robots pre-masticate the slices for us? Do you empty a tin can of oil into their joints or is that too outdated even?

We get it, Domino’s wants to stay at the forefront of fast food delivery technology, but at a certain point it’s less efficient than making a phone call. Is the number of people who call to complain about mysterious pizzas showing up at their doorstep delivered by robots really worth all this whoopla? We’re inclined to think not, but what do we know?

(Via Business Insider)