‘Jason Statham V Megalodon: Dinosaur Of Justice’ Is Coming To A Theater Near You

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was fun and all (in theory), but that was just the opener for the headlining fight: Jason Statham v. Megalodon. After being stuck in development limbo for nearly 20 years, Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror, based on Steve Alten’s science-fiction book, is finally coming to the big screen with Jon Turteltaub (National Treasure) attached as director.

But more importantly: Jason Statham has signed on to star, likely as Jonas Taylor, who while on a “top-secret dive into the Pacific Ocean’s deepest canyon,” finds himself “face-to-face with the largest and most ferocious predator in the history of the animal kingdom. The sole survivor of the mission, Taylor is haunted by what he’s sure he saw, but still can’t prove exists – Carcharodon megalodon, the massive mother of the great white shark.”

Statham has been in many blockbusters, like Spy, The Expendables 3, and Furious 7, but never as the headliner; he’s the scene-stealer. Meg could be one of first big-budget movies (i.e. more than the $35 million it cost to make Parker) that’s specifically tailored for him, like The Rock’s The Scorpion King. Except instead of scorpions, there are sharks that eat dinosaurs.

I’d watch that.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)