The Gang On Sesame Street ‘Rapped’ A Tribe Called Quest In Honor Of Phife Dawg

Videos of Muppets “lip syncing” rap songs have become commonplace on the internet. If you want to see clips of puppets edited together to make it look like they are spitting hot fire, this is a wonderful time to be alive. Now, one of those videos has been created in tribute to A Tribe Called Quest, and more specifically, the late Phife Dawg.

In honor of the MC, who passed away last month, a YouTube user called Spunnywigg has put together a video of Sesame Street characters rapping Tribe’s iconic song “Scenario.” While there have been many of these, as previously stated, and even if you feel like you might be tired of these, you should check this one out. It’s probably the best of the bunch.

There are a couple reasons for this. For starters, the video lasts for the whole song, while many of these just use sections of the song, because they don’t have the same devotion to the craft, apparently. Second, the video dedicates a singular character for each rapper who appears on the song. Fozzie Bear is Q-Tip, The Count is Busta Rhymes, and Phife Dawg, the Five Foot Assassin, is fittingly portrayed by Elmo. Also, it’s edited together really well. It’s a fun video, and a nice little tribute to Phife Dawg and A Tribe Called Quest.

(via AV Club)