The Beefy Crunch Burrito Is Back At Taco Bell Today, And It’s All Thanks To Thousands Of Dedicated Fans

Anyone who suggests that small movements can’t make a big difference (not a pooping after eating at Taco Bell joke, I promise) needs to meet the unrelenting and triumphant Beefy Crunch movement, a group of thousands upon thousands of people who were outraged when Taco Bell took the Beefy Crunch burrito off its menu and knew they had to do something to right the injustice that had befallen them. So they started spamming Taco Bell and guess what…it totally worked.

According to the Taco Bell website, where Richard Axton (the leader of the movement and possible future president of these United States) thanked the fervent supporters demanding that their favorite value item be returned to Taco Bell, the movement’s been far more active and functioning much longer than one might think (considering it’s about Taco Bell menu items):

This triumphant return would not have been possible without the incredible and unrelenting passion of each and every one of the now 40,500+ members of the Beefy Crunch Movement and our friends over at Taco Bell with their dedication to every Taco Bell fan out there. As you know, the Beefy Crunch Movement started in 2011 (shortly after the Beefy Crunch Burrito left Taco Bell’s menu) with the sole mission of bringing it back. In those five years we have organized “Beefy Crunch Awareness Days”, created and proudly waved the “Beefy Crunch Movement” flag, but most importantly, we never stopped speaking.

These past weeks have been a whirlwind with Taco Bell taking us under their wing, letting us lead the charge to share this news with the nation, beginning with our March 30 post on the Beefy Crunch Movement Facebook page announcing that the Beefy Crunch Burrito and Cheesy Double Beef Burrito would be returning.

Look how happy this guy is:

Axton goes on to note that there are way more fans out there than previously imagined:

In the twenty-four hours following that post, over 15,000 people spread the news and our community grew by 2,000+ members. Since then we have been inundated by the outpouring of support and the never ending supply of Beefy Crunch stories from Taco Bell fans. From the crazy stories like the Beefy Crunch Burrito tattoos, cross-country road trips and first time skydiving just for a burrito, to the more down to earth moments with close friends and loved ones, we have shown Taco Bell just how important this burrito is to us.

So what’s everyone going to do now that the burrito’s back? According to Axton, events are being organized to make sure that no burrito goes unsold and that everyone who’s ever enjoyed a beefy crunch in their lifetime can relive the halcyon days of their youth by ordering one (or ten) again at their local Taco Bell. You know that place delivers via some apps now, right? You don’t even have to leave the house to get your munch on.

Taco bell has thanked Axton for all his hard work and added that not only will the burritos be sold for $1 (for however long they’re around), but that the Beefy Crunch movement logo would be on the wrappers, and that every person who was part of making this happen would be thanked by name on the chain’s website. Dreams! They really come true.

Of course, the most inspirational thing of all is the fact that Axton reminds everyone who loves the Beefy Crunch burrito that this is “our day” and that it’s also our “first day,” which is very motivational if you think about it. Forget about all the bad choices you might have ever made in your life! Today’s the first day of the rest of it. And if you’re not eating 4,000 calories of Taco Bell, you’re doing it wrong.