Tom Hanks And Stephen Colbert Eat Lucky Charms With Baileys To Mock RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

During his Thursday night monologue, Stephen Colbert ridiculed RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, whose name is an anagram for “CRISP BEE URINE,” apparently, and who faces a contested convention in July. Priebus did not help his party by recently describing the convention to reporters as a seven alarm fire made into a four alarm fire, because “it’s still burning, but not as bad as it was.”

When asked during an interview with CNN about whether the job is making him miserable, Priebus responded that “he wasn’t pouring Baileys in his cereal,” which Colbert correctly noted was an oddly specific reference to make. As such, Colbert treated himself to a bowl of Lucky Charms topped with Baileys, or as he calls it, “an Irish continental breakfast.”

Later when guest Tom Hanks came out for his interview, he referenced the combination, and as it just so happened that Colbert still had some Baileys and Lucky Charms on hand — as Hanx demanded, “How about you share that with your guest, *sshole?”

It might not be the best thing for a 60-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes to eat — or anyone for that matter — but damn if it doesn’t sound delicious. I’ll definitely be tucking this one away for my next “cheat day.”