‘Arrested Development’ Will Give Out Six Walk-on Roles To Winners Of An Online Contest

If you’re anything like me, you sat there watching each of Arrested Development’s 53 episodes saying to yourself, “You know, this show is pretty good. Funny, smart, the whole nine. But I’ll tell you what would really take it over the top: my big stupid face appearing on the screen.” Well I have great news for you. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE.

It could be the biggest teaming of two forces since GOB and Tobais formed Gobias Industries: Arrested Development and… you? The folks behind the critically acclaimed, gone-too-soon Fox comedy that is being revived on Netflix announced today that they will give away six walk-on roles for “super fans” to make an appearance in the show’s fourth season, which is slated to debut in the spring. [EW]

You can find more details about the contest, which they are calling “You’re Gonna Get A Walk-On,” at this website, but the gist is this: You create some sort of Arrested Development-related thingy (video, artwork, essay, LEGO creation, etc.), post it on Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram with the hashtag #BluthWalkOn, then sit around and twiddle your thumbs for a while until they tell you if you won or not. Sounds easy enough, right?

I have posted my submission below. This one’s in the bag. SEE YOU IN HOLLYWOOD, GANG.