Suicide Squad is shaping up to be a monster hit, pricey reshoots be damned. The first trailer has racked up 66 million views and counting, and Harley Quinn was, by far, the most popular Halloween costume last year, for a movie that doesn’t come out until August this year. A Suicide Squad sequel (Suicide Squad 2: Better Off Dead?) seems inevitable, but there’s one thing the actress holding Harley’s mallet, Margot Robbie, would change about her costume.
“I’m not wearing hot pants next time.” (Via)
Every one of the trailers has, at times, focused on Harley’s, um, “assets,” whether she’s putting a shirt on or, in a scene Michael Bay would be proud of, bending over. Robbie describes herself as someone who “[eats] burgers at lunchtime, and then you go do a scene where you’re hosed down and soaking wet in a white T-shirt, it’s so clingy and you’re self-conscious about it.” But Harley isn’t bashful — she wears “hot pants because they’re sparkly and fun,” according to Robbie, not because “she wanted guys to look at her ass.”
(The infamous court jester look is in play for the sequel.)
The Tarzan star also spoke to the New York Times about her nude scene in The Wolf of Wall Street. Director Martin Scorsese said she could do it wearing a robe, but Robbie “was like, she wouldn’t do that. She would be fully naked.” If only her on-screen Wolf husband had Harley’s mallet in The Revenant…
(Via the New York Times)