J.J. Abrams And Lin-Manuel Miranda Jammed Out For ‘Star Wars’ Day

Lin-Manuel Miranda is having a great week. Coming off of a Pulitzer Prize win and an appearance on Last Week Tonight, the Hamilton star and creator is also celebrating an unprecedented amount of Tony nominations (sixteen!!)  for his show. Even so, he still put aside time for an extra special #Ham4Ham show this week, which just so happened to fall on Star Wars Day. In order to properly celebrate May the 4th, Miranda decided to pull out all the stops and bring out nerd king J.J. Abrams to entertain Hamilton fans on the streets of NYC.

Abrams and Miranda previously worked together on creating music for the scene in Maz Kanata’s cantina in Star Wars: The Force awakens, and the two reteamed to perform “Jabba Flow” in its original Huttese for the screaming masses. Yes, Miranda can even rap in a fictional space language. Abrams may not have the best voice, but you’ve got to give the guy credit for his enthusiasm. If you need more than this video can provide, you can purchase the song in its entirety on iTunes or stream it on the official Star Wars website. If you’ve already memorized all the the lyrics to Hamilton, this might be a fun change of pace.

(Via Rolling Stone)