Adele Compares Beyonce To ‘Jesus F*cking Christ’ During Her Concert

Last year, while promoting her album 25, Adele cleared up that rumor that she turned down a collaboration opportunity with Beyonce, saying this: “There’s a rumor going round that I turned Beyonce down, which I would never be so disrespectful as to do. I’d never disrespect her like that.”

Now, perhaps in a bid to actually get this collaboration off the ground, Adele sang Bey’s praises during her tour stop in Copenhagen. Above is video of her speech, and it basically encompasses everything that us Beyonce superfans feel about her:

Have we got any Beyonce fans in the crowd tonight? [tons of people scream, of course] How is it even possibly that she only ever gets better? How is that possible? She is Jesus F**king Christ. Beyonce is the sickest artist around in the whole entire world. It’s unbelievable. I’ve been listening to her for 17 years, and she’s still making music that blows my mind.

Adele has never been as relatable as she is now. Praising someone as universally beloved as Beyonce does that to you, I guess, even if you’re also an astronomically talented and successful musician.

At the end, realizing that she made it sound as if she’s going to introduce Beyonce, Adele quickly adds:

She’s not here … ‘Ladies and gentlemen, here comes Beyonce.’ Imagine.”

Don’t mind if I do.

Oh, and because Adele is the best (behind Beyonce, of course), she offered to be a surrogate mom to the a gay couple who got engaged at the same concert.