Radiohead Are Facing Copyright Breach Claims Over Their ‘Burn The Witch’ Video

Radiohead could get into some legal trouble over their deeply unsettling “Burn The Witch” video. The video’s similarities to British animated series Trumpton may have them staring down a copyright lawsuit in the near future.

95-year-old Trumpton creater Gordon Murray has not seen the latest Radiohead clip, but his family members have and are considering filing suit. In an interview with The Daily Mail, Murray’s son-in-law bashed the video for warping the ’60s children’s television show.

“Radiohead should have sought our consent as we consider this a tarnishing of the brand,” he said. “It is not something we would have authorized. We consider that there is a breach of copyright and we are deciding what to do next.”

He added that Murray would be “appalled” if they showed him a video using Trumpton‘s style to recreate a village full of nooses and witchcraft that ends in an apparent homage to The Wicker Man. But hey, a video made to protest anti-immigration sentiments throughout the world is bound to step on a few toes.

To decide for yourself if Radiohead are guilty of copyright infringement, check out the “Burn The Witch” video up top and compare it to an episode of Trumpton below.

(Via SPIN)