A Brand New ‘Star Trek’ Teaser Hints Where The Upcoming TV Series Will Boldly Go

It’s a complicated time to be a Trekker/Trekkie. There are currently two high-profile projects on the horizon from the franchise, and that’s either something to get very excited or very nervous about. Some fans went scrambling to drown their sorrows in Romulan ale when the Star Trek: Beyond trailer wasn’t the Gene Roddenberry blast they were hoping for, but maybe that same gaggle will be enchanted by the teaser that has now arrived trumpeting the arrival of the upcoming Trek TV series for CBS All Access.

If you’ll kindly direct your attention to the top of this post, you’ll see a brief but very encouraging trailer for the Bryan Fuller shepherded series due out in 2017 on the Eye Network’s streaming subscription service. Making the most of the “tease” component of this first look teaser, there isn’t too much revealed, but there are two things that should amp up the heartbeat a little. Let’s take a look at the program’s logo, shall we?

That seems to be a sturdy logo. It’s not James T. Kirk in a overalls and a backwards baseball cap spray painting “Star Trek” onto a Federation building or horny vulcans contorting their bodies to read “Pon Farr.” Nope! Just this familiar yet updated look. Considering Fuller’s track record with projects Hannibal and Mockingbird Lane, we’re in fairly safe hands.

The teaser also gives us the promise of fantastic newness. Here’s the pledge that appears onscreen before the big snazzy logo reveal: “New Crews, New Villains, New Heroes, New Worlds.” Not every series under the Star Trek umbrella has been created equal, but it’s definitely a plus to get the nudge that shiny new experiences are to be had in the world of Trek. Or maybe we’re completely backwards on this. Watch the teaser and share your verdict in the comments.