This Hockey Fan Got Gary Bettman’s Face Tattooed On His Butt After Losing A Bet

National Hockey League Launches Hockey Season At New York Stock Exchange
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The Stanley Cup Final is set to get underway next week, though it hasn’t yet been decided which two teams will be playing in it. However, we do know that neither of the two teams that have represented the Western Conference in the last four years — the Chicago Blackhawks and Los Angeles Kings — will have a spot this year.

In fact, neither Chicago or Los Angeles managed to make it out of the first round of this year’s playoffs. That caught quite a lot of hockey fans by surprise, but maybe none more so than this poor soul.

That bet (can you even call it a bet when he didn’t stand to win anything?) turned out to be very ill-advised, but Mr. Gary Buttman is apparently a man who sticks to his word. On Wednesday, he followed through and live-tweeted the tattoo process.

And the final product? Well, here she is.

Yikes. God bless whatever poor soul thinks they’re about to get lucky and pulls his pants down to reveal that staring back at them. This guy may just want to stick to a simple bracket challenge for next season’s playoffs. Points for actually following through on the wager though.