It’s pretty apparent that the new Ghostbusters film is going to be divisive, but don’t think that’s going to stop the cast from heading out to promote the hell out of it on the talk show circuit. It’s also a good chance for America to get to know the cast members they haven’t met yet, particularly Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. During a stop on Ellen, all of the ladies shared a little bit of their backstory, with Jones revealing a very interesting job before she jumped into comedy and ended up on SNL.
As it turns out, she was once a Scientology telemarketer. What these people do seems to be a mystery that likely involves asking for money, but it seems that the job is pretty easy to get if you know what to say:
“Yeah, they kinda still don’t know I’m not a Scientologist…
“I lived in Glendale, I needed to pay the rent…and It was a very easy interview. I just acted crazy.”
Well that oughta help fuel the conspiracy theories around Jones’ success. She’s only famous because of the Scientology rub, like some sleeper agent that’s waiting to rip off her mask and reveal her true identity as Shelly Miscavige. I have no clue myself, but these are just things I would assume people would say.
Jones also apparently got Kate McKinnon confused with Kate Middleton when they first met, tossing a lot of “b*tches” around between each other before becoming best friends.