T.J. Miller Hurls Old Man Insults For Four-Plus Minutes In This Hilarious ‘Silicon Valley’ Outtake

Silicon Valley has had a ton of really funny bits this season, which isn’t really a surprise because Silicon Valley has a ton of really funny bits every season. Notable examples include: Gavin Belson’s “Consider the bulldog” speech (“Bring it back in here! Look at that hideous face. Alright, get it out of here!”), Erlich trying to deliver good news through a weed-induced coughing fit, and every single thing Jared has said. Also on that list, but temporarily excluded so we can talk about it more now: Erlich’s initial meeting with Action Jack Barker, which included a great run of insults about how old Jack is. And now, in a bit of truly excellent news, that run has been extended to over four full minutes in this collection of outtakes put together by the show.

Highlights include:

“Genesis the book… or Genesis the band. Because I know it wasn’t Sega Genesis.”

“Whipping horses in the street.”

“Coal, in general. I mean, I assume it’s your favorite fuel… because you are a fossil.”


“Radio plays starring white people as both black and white people.”

And more. Now we just need something like 10 uninterrupted minutes of T.J. Miller pronouncing “Aviato,” and we’re good here.

(Via EW)