Bernie Sanders Calls Trump A ‘Pathological Liar’ That Is ‘A Real Danger To The Entire World’ On ‘Real Time’

Bernie Sanders sat down with Bill Maher on Friday to discuss the upcoming California primary, but the real meat of the chat was devoted to Donald Trump. With the on again/off again nature of his proposed debate with the Republican nominee, Maher was actually lucky with his timing on the interview. Without it, who knows what would’ve been discussed aside from the doldrums of the late campaign.

Sanders refused to attack Hillary Clinton over emails and tried to stay away from tearing apart Trump, but the latter just didn’t happen. Part of the way through the interview, the truth makes an appearance:

“This guy is a pathological liar, and I don’t mean to be malicious, but that is just the damn truth…

“And he would not only be an embarrassment, but a real danger to the entire world if he were to become president.”

This just makes it all the more disappointing that Trump won’t face off with Sanders on a debate stage. It doesn’t make sense in terms of the election, but it makes sense in terms of general political discussion. They used to have debate shows on television all the time back in the ’60s and ’70s, replaced today by the shout fests we get on cable news. No reason why they couldn’t agree to sit down for a show like that and debate like normal folks.

It won’t happen, but it could’ve been pretty great.

(Via Real Time)