Lauren Conrad Admits ‘The Hills’ Was Fake, Kind Of

New York Times best-selling author Lauren Conrad sat down for an interview with Allure recently, during which the former star of MTV’s The Hills revealed some information about the way the drama on the show was presented.

“I think the story they told wasn’t a dishonest one. The way they did it sometimes was,” [Conrad], 26, tells the November issue of Allure.

“[The cameras] aren’t going to be there for everything. Sometimes two of their main characters will get into a fight, and that’s important to the story line,” the author continues. “The [producers] need that reenacted. Their thing was always: It did happen. They’re not making this up: you just didn’t see it.” [US Weekly]

Lauren Conrad and Audrina Patridge meet for lunch at a trendy Los Angeles restaurant where a cheeseburger costs more than your shoes.

AUDRINA: I can’t believe everyone’s saying our show is fake. It’s, like, mean.

LAUREN: Yeah, but, I mean, we do recreate scenes sometimes.

AUDRINA: Right, but that doesn’t mean they’re fake. We’re just, like, doing it again.

LAUREN: I know. That’s what I tried to tell them.

AUDRINA: And isn’t this all, like, really old news anyway? It’s like, who cares, you know?

LAUREN: Exactly.

AUDRINA: What do you think Lauren’s gonna think about this?

LAUREN: I’m Lauren, honey.

AUDRINA: Oh. Right.

[Hip indie music swells]

LAUREN: [chews, stares]

AUDRINA: [stares, chews]

LAUREN: [chews, stares]

AUDRINA: Why won’t Justin Bobby call me?

LAUREN: [rolls eyes]