Chewbacca Mom Is Apparently Now Rolling In Cash And Charging For Autographs

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We’ve officially hit the backlash phase of the Chewbacca mom viral sensation. The initial video was nice and made millions laugh, her Late Late Show appearance was very fun, and she got a few nice rewards from the fine folks at Kohl’s. She even got to meet the man behind Chewbacca himself, Peter Mayhew, at Dallas Fax Expo. That’s also where we found out that Chewbacca Mom is utilizing every moment of her fame according to TMZ:

Chewy lovers at Dallas’ Fan Expo forked over $20 for a photo and autograph from Candace during her first convention appearance Sunday.

Payne got a prime booth spot too … right next to Jack Gleeson from “Game of Thrones.”

That’s right, not only did Payne charge for autographs — with a portion of the donations going to charity — but people also lined up and paid for said autographs. If you thought YouTube stars were a little bit of a stretch and Vine stars were just ridiculous, you’re about to meet the Facebook Live star.

According to Mashable, Chewie Mom’s gifts add up to a grand total of $400,000. This includes the college scholarships for her entire family and all of those trips she got to take following the video’s explosion. That laugh is certainly pretty infectious, though. Too bad you’ll have to pay to hear it soon enough.

(Via Mashable / TMZ)