Nick Jonas Told A Story About Weed Lollipops And Poorly Timed Erections On ‘The Tonight Show’

Nick Jonas is just like you or me. We may not all be famous pop stars, but Jonas is down to try a weed lollipop and he occasionally finds himself sporting an erection at an inopportune time. The “Close” singer will tell a joke that he thought was pure gold and watch it fall down flat with nothing but his uncomfortable laughter to comfort him.

However, the difference between Nick Jonas and you or I is that while you might do all of those things, you are not appearing on a red carpet of an awards show and then presenting at said award show while they happen.

Jonas told the story of his experience at the Young Hollywood Awards on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Monday night. First there was the weed lollipop part, followed by the effects of the lollipop sticking around the next day, which you can imagine was an unwelcome development. Jonas realized that A) the weed lollipop was throwing him for a loop and B) he was scheduled to present at the Young Hollywood Awards later that day. Talk about a pickle! Or you could specifically talk about a pickle, specifically Jonas’ pickle, which picked an unfortunate time to stand at attention (while he was on the red carpet, sporting a pretty dope red suit.)

And then there was the joke that bombed.

All in day’s work for Mr. Nick Jonas.

Jonas’ talk with Fallon wasn’t all lollipops and boners, though. Jonas also talked how Jay Z helped him name his recently released album, Last Year Was Complicated, while meeting with the rap legend and playing his album for him. Hov was cool with everything except for the title. Yet with one simple question, he was able to help Jonas find a new title.

All in a day’s work for Mr. Carter.