A ‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Killed The Worst Theory About Sansa Stark

It’s the Game of Thrones theory that won’t die. No, not that one, but this one, about Sansa Stark carrying Ramsay Bolton’s demon-child (or, god forbid, demon-children). It began during “The Door” when the now-restored Queen of Winterfell asks Littlefinger what he thinks Ramsay did to her. “I can still feel it,” she says. “I can still feel what he did, in my body, standing here, right now.” That lead to rampant speculation that Sansa was pregnant. Then, during “The Battle of the Bastards,” Ramsay tells her that “you can’t kill me, I’m part of you now,” right before his hungry, hungry hounds rip him apart.

So, does that mean she’s expecting? Yeah, no. Ramsay was obviously referring to the new, darker Sansa, the one that tortures people and then walks away smirking, but don’t take my word for it. Here’s Liam Cunningham:

“Unless he’s got one of those Game of Thrones pregnancy sticks, he’s not gonna know. I would imagine it’s open to whatever you want it to be, but I think he’s saying he’s put himself into her head. That’s what I took from it. She’s never gonna get rid of him because of what he’s done to her. He knows what he’s done to her. It was off camera, what he was doing to her, but we all know what it was. But I think he’s placed himself in her soul for all the wrong reasons.” (Via TV Guide)

First off, HBO should totally start selling Game of Thrones pregnancy tests. If it’s positive, you get a cute dragon; if it’s negative, Joffrey’s smug face. Then you won’t want a baby, anyway. Also, now we know what Davos thinks about on his long walks: Sansa not being pregnant. Well, that and pooping.

(Via TV Guide)