Comedian Jim Jefferies’ Story About Meeting Al Pacino At A Party Is Pretty Damn Wonderful

Australian comedian Jim Jefferies, whose name went viral when his gun control routine entered the conversation following 2015’s Charleston shooting, has a new special premiering on Netflix this Friday. He stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night to promote his stand-up, but the conversation inadvertently transformed into one of the best stories about Al Pacino ever told. That and, among the pantheon of Pacino impressions that exist, one of the shoutiest.

Three and a half minutes into a story about doing comedy for a small group of Hollywood elite, Jefferies turns his attention to a noticeably drunk Al Pacino and Warren Beatty. The pair walked right up to the comedian and, without provocation, began regaling him with praise. Or at least that’s what Pacino started doing, because as Jefferies tells it, Beatty didn’t seem to care one way or another.

He came up, and he just goes… “I like you! You tell a story, I think your story’s about to end like it’s withering away, and then you come back to the story! It’s very good!” And I was like, “Thank you very much.” He goes, “You’re like Rodney Dangerfield!” I’m nothing like Rodney Dangerfield, but I said, “A lot of people say that, Mr. Pacino. Thank you.” And then he kept talking. He just complimented me, I’m not kidding, 15 [or] 20 minutes. At the 15-minute mark he said, “Am I talking too much? Am I talking to you, am I saying too many things? Am I talking too much?” And I said, “Mr. Pacino this is the greatest moment of my life. Keep talking til I cum.”

Aside from bringing some unintended pleasure to Jefferies, Pacino also encouraged the comedian to try acting. Then as soon as he convinced the stand-up to do so, he ridiculed the idea and suggested directing instead. Pacino even got Jefferies to scream “I’m a director!” in the small, crowded home — much to the bemusement of Beatty and everyone else.

(Via Esquire)