There Are Now Two Shows In Development About Celebrity High Diving

I honestly can’t decide if this is the stupidest thing I’ve seen since I started writing here, or the best, or if the stupidest thing and the best thing made some bad decisions one night after too many whiskey sours and nine months later this popped out into the world slimy and crying, but whatever the case, here we are, and there’s no going back: There are currently two (2) shows in development about celebrity high diving competitions.

Earlier this month ABC gave a straight-to-series order to a show called Celebrity Splash, which is based on a Dutch show and involves “celebrities perform[ing] dives from dizzying heights, which increase in difficulty each week, including backflips, somersaults and other gymnastic feats.” Not to be outdone, Fox went ahead and greenlit a two-hour special called Stars In Danger: High Diving — based on a similar German show, the promotional image for which I have posted below and you should really look at — that the network hopes to adapt into a regular series if it performs well enough. (The German Stars In Danger series has also featured things like auto racing and bobsledding, which hopefully means we will eventually be treated to a show called Stars In Danger: BEARS!, or something like that.)

The long and short of it is this: If you have always wanted to see Carrot Top or Tawny Kitaen accidentally do a belly flop from 30 feet in the air — and, really, who among us hasn’t? — you may be in luck.

Photo credit: Shutterstock