This Cute Footage Of Baby Future Asking Russell Wilson For A ‘Papa Kiss’ Has Some People Riled Up

The #FutureHive is up in arms over a precious video of Future’s son, Future Zahir, asking his new stepdad Russell Wilson for a “papa kiss.” The video was taken from a Facebook live session the Seattle Seahawk had on Monday afternoon, while he was preparing for the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards with a haircut.

In the insanely cute clip, two-year-old baby Future first asks his famous mom Ciara for a “mama kiss” before asking Russell for smooch, too. The fairly innocent moment turned controversial because Future’s son calling Russell Wilson “papa” and getting a kiss is apparently the worst thing.

While some thought Ciara was “disrespectful” for allowing her son to call her husband “papa” and get a kiss on the cheek, others felt it was no big deal since, according to court documents, Future only wants to see his son “two days out the month” anyway.

Future, Sr. has yet to comment on the video, but probably will, given past incidents. Last year, Future went on radio and slammed Ciara for allow Russell to push Future, Jr around in a stroller. “Of course I wouldn’t want anyone to push my son. That’s like the number one rule,” the rapper said during an interview with The Breakfast Club. “If I was a kid, and my mom had a dude pushing me, I would’ve jumped out the stroller and slapped the sh*t out of him.”

Most recently, Ciara took Future to court and demanded a judge grant her sole custody of baby Future. They ultimately decided in Future’s favor and granted the parents joint custody.