Kristen Bell Can Sleep With Another Man Before Watching ‘Game Of Thrones’ Without Dax Shepard

No one misses Larry on Orange Is the New Black (it’s not a coincidence that this season was the show’s best), but occasionally… okay, he was always the worst. In an early season episode, Larry visits Piper in prison, and she makes him promise to not watch Mad Men without her. “When I get outta here, we’re going to binge watch it together,” she pleads, “in bed, with takeout.” Larry agrees to wait, but because he’s a rat bastard, he quickly breaks his vow. Even Don Draper would be disgusted by Larry, and he’s no one’s idea of a saint.

Dax Shepard isn’t Larry. He loves watching not Mad Men, but Game of Thrones with his wife, Kristen Bell. So much so that “he would rather I sleep with another man [than watch Game of Thrones without him],” the Veronica Mars star recently told RedBook. “I swear to God!” Bell and Shepard are huge fans of the HBO series, and they were invited to the season six premiere where they wore matching “Stark in the streets, Wildling in the sheets” shirts and sported temporary tattoos that read “Ours Is The Fury and Winter Is Coming.”

Bell also said that she and the Toto-loving Shepard are “pretty decent” at staying on top of their sex lives, and each other. “We find a night when nobody is coming over and we don’t have to work super early in the morning,” she revealed, “and then we slot it in.” Whether they’re dressed like Jon and Ygritte or Podrick and Bronn is up to you and your kinky imagination.

(Via RedBook)