Derrick Rose was in attendance for the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Sports Awards on Thursday night, which makes sense because he plays sports and has a kid — and an adorable, meme-worthy kid at that. But Rose and son P.J. didn’t just show up, they stole the pre-show by sporting matching t-shirts.
The print is very cool, but lest you think it’s some cute reference to a children’s book or show like we did, we regret to inform you that it is in fact a Dolce & Gabbana design with a list price of $425 (but hey, as of posting it was 50 percent off — at $212.50 per shirt — it’s like you can’t afford NOT to buy it!). We’re going to save the stump speech about how spending that much money on kids’ clothes when they grow out of them in weeks is psychotic, since Derrick can certainly afford to outfit P.J. with whatever freshness he wants.
Let’s get another look:

Speaking of freshness, don’t think we didn’t notice P.J.’s sick cheetah-print sneakers — with a tail! Sure, the only place we could find them online listed them as a girl’s design by adidas, but I’d like to think we’ve progressed enough as a society that adults don’t feel it necessary to judge a young boy for liking a shoe design regardless of what side of the store it comes from. You do you, P.J.
(h/t Upscale Hype for the shirt’s origin)