Prophets Of Rage Played A Surprise Rooftop Gig At L.A.’s Skid Row

Prophets of Rage had some business to attend to before heading off to the Republican National Convention. They probably had to pack too, but we haven’t looked into that.

Friday saw the supergroup perform a free show at L.A.’s Skid Row. The outfit, which features members of Rage Against the Machine, Cypress Hill and Public Enemy, ladled out tunes for the assembled crowd at the surprise gig. The band was fairly quiet about the unexpected performance and tweeted about it an hour before the show.

Of course, there was a bit of a clue offered up the day before.

Not a bad idea at all, tweet. Prophets of Rage rolled through a number of different tracks from the combo’s assorted catalogues and included the PoR original “The Party’s Over” in the proceedings. They could certainly do worse for a warm-up gig ahead of their trip to Cleveland.

As is the case with pretty much everything in 2016, video of the rooftop performance popped up pretty quickly. We’ve got footage of Prophets of Rage bringing their talents to Skid Row (the location, not the band Sebastian Bach fronted for a while) nestled into this post for your viewing convenience.

(via Rolling Stone)