Blake Griffin Is Producing A Cartoon That Sounds Like A Hillbilly Version Of ‘Fresh Prince’

Blake Griffin
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Blake Griffin is a busy man, what with his schedule as a member of the Los Angeles Clippers and the new hillbilly Fresh Prince cartoon he’s producing for Fox and his increasingly full endorsement dance car-… haaaang on. Did I just say NBA All-Star Blake Griffin is producing a hillbilly Fresh Prince cartoon? Well, would you look at that. I did say Blake Griffin is producing a hillbilly Fresh Prince cartoon.

The details, in short: The cartoon, titled Okies of Bel Air, is a pilot presentation for Fox that is loosely based on Griffin’s experiences moving from Oklahoma to Los Angeles upon entering the NBA, and is described as “in the vein of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Beverly Hills Hillbillies.” Hmm. Just how “in the vein” are we talking here?

Okies of Bel Air is the story of a family of humble Oklahoma catfish farmers who, after their basketball prodigy son is chosen first overall in the NBA draft, pack up and move to the tony enclave of Bel Air, where they’ll struggle to preserve their down-home sensibilities amidst a vast cultural wasteland where Kardashian reigns supreme and pressed juice is considered a viable alternative to childhood vaccinations.

Oh. That’s pretty “in the vein”!

Anyway, how weird would it be if “a vast cultural wasteland where Kardashian reigns supreme” is a literal description, and the Blake Griffin basketball cartoon features the Kardashian family as a monarchy that rules this fictional version of Southern California with iron fists? My vote: Pretty weird!

(Via Deadline)