A Mom Is Using Her Children’s Love Of Technology To Get Them To Do Chores


There’s a very good possibility that the first person to advocate “working smarter, not harder” was a parent — because that’s precisely the philosophy this mother lives by when it comes to making sure her children pick up after themselves.

In a ploy designed to harness her kids’ dependency on wireless internet, this mom decides to hold the day’s WiFi password ransom, revealing it only after the kitchen is cleaned and photographic evidence provided. To make sure she isn’t bested at her own game, she adds the stipulation that the picture must contain a box of crackers for purposes of authentication. And with an encouraging if not vaguely ominous “May the odds be ever in your favor,” the game is on.

The internet has yet to yield a picture of the resultant clean kitchen, so it’s unclear whether the kids’ addiction to Pokemon Go was enough to encourage them to tidy up the place. Perhaps not coincidentally this same parenting strategy was used in a recent episode of the new Jenna Fischer-Matt Leblanc sitcom I Am Not Your Friend, suggesting that American households may soon see many more examples of this kind of cyber extortion.

(Via Mashable)