Ricky Williams And Seth Rogen Shared Their Favorite Ways And Places To Enjoy Weed

Ricky Williams wants to smoke weed with Teddy Roosevelt. “He seemed like a cool, wild guy,” Williams said in a recent segment on Bill Simmons’ HBO show Any Given Wednesday. Seth Rogen, fart joke auteur and mastermind of new release Sausage Party, follows Williams’ preference with a tale about a weed buffet he experienced as a youth.

“There was a place run out of someone’s basement … you would pay ten bucks … there was the weirdest collection of motherf—ers in there … they would put out nachos with weed in them, salad with like weed vinaigrette dressing.”

The unlikely pairing of a legendary NFL running back with a bumbling Judd Apatow descendant makes for some strange moments overall, and definitely tells us how overarching and mainstream marijuana’s influence has become in a country that’s increasingly decriminalizing the stuff.

In an earlier segment of the show, Williams is asked about how his legacy could’ve been different if his (extremely frequent) use of the drug had been kept under wraps, or if NFL culture didn’t stigmatize it so much. A promising, surefire Hall of Fame career in its beginnings, Williams became a “what could’ve been” player when he was branded as a “weed guy.” How unfortunate. Regardless, “Weed Round” is a promising segment for Simmons’ show, and is one we’d watch again if Williams and Rogen decided to bring it back.

(via Any Given Wednesday on HBO)