This Body-Shamer Learned A Valuable Lesson After Sending A Mean Tweet To Olympic Gymnasts

There are different strokes for different folks and then there’s openly mocking some of the greatest Olympic athletes the world has ever known because their super-heroic bodies don’t match a pre-determined standard of beauty. In this case, three members of the women’s Olympic gymnastics team, Madison Kocian, Aly Raisman and Simone Biles (who took home a combined 10 Olympic medals in Rio) decided to hop out of their leotards and into some swimsuits to enjoy the beach. They deserved some relaxation, they’ve been working hard at being the best over the last few years, and that hard work just happens to result in rock-solid abs.

Of course, one Twitter commenter didn’t like what he saw and got destroyed by a simple mic drop in under 140 characters.

And there you have it. Nearly 50,000 retweets later, this astute woman named Crystal lived up to her namesake and made the clearest and most perfect response you could; those abs are from over 10,000 hours of hard work. Those abs are from years of becoming the best gymnasts in the world. Those abs are roads paved to Olympic gold.

Naturally, Twitter let him have it and let Crystal know that she just dropped an A-bomb.

(Via Buzzfeed)