Jimmy Fallon Decided The Time Was Right To Mess With Donald Trump’s Hair On ‘The Tonight Show’

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be dropping by The Tonight Show over the next few nights, with Trump making impact on Thursday. No word on if they had a coin flip, or if they needed one, but it comes ahead of the first debate between the candidates on September 26th which will be moderated by NBC’s Lester Holt. The hard questions must’ve stayed in the can for the debate because Fallon didn’t lob anything with gusto at Trump unless you count the hair tug above.

Fallon really gets his hands into the nest on top of Trump’s head, possibly putting the conspiracy that it is a wig to bed while raising new questions about its planet of origin. The latter comes to mind because of what The Hollywood Reporter claims happened after the hair tugging was finished:

Though Trump is known for being sensitive about his hair, he smiled throughout. But press pool photographers were prohibited from taking a photo of the Republican candidate after the taping.

Why no photography? What is there to hide? Release the barber records immediately and put this baby to rest. If anything, the hold on that head of hair is amazing and could be a help to public. Likely more interesting than any of the other comments made during the interview. Thrilling topics like Trump’s favorite property in Monopoly — which he gets wrong — if Trump has ever played the board game Sorry, Trump’s childhood home being on sale, and how great Matt Lauer is. They also do another mock job interview, which was funnier back when Trump wasn’t actually the nominee for president.

(Via The Tonight Show)