Colin Kaepernick Is Still Kneeling, This Time On The Cover Of ‘Time’ Magazine

Colin Kaepernick has not started at quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, but he’s now on the cover of Time.

The debate over Kaepernick’s silent protest of police treatment of people of color has caused a weeks-long uproar over freedom of speech. Now, it has propelled the 49ers backup quarterback to the cover of the national magazine, his kneeling image on a black background next to the story title “The perilous fight.”

The story by Sean Gregory, of course, is behind an online paywall. Still, this cover on newsstands and in supermarket checkout lines across America is sure to continue debate over the quarterback and his growing role as a social activist. While the noise of the various takes has been overwhelming, it’s starting to look like Kaepernick’s decision in preseason to begin this silent protest is starting to influence a very real discussion about how the police and people of color interact across America.

Now other NFL players have shared their perspective on the issue and his head coach Chip Kelly continues to defend his actions. Whether his critics like it or not, it looks like Kaepernick will continue to be a story regardless of whether he ever takes the field under center for the 49ers this season.