As A Life Hack, Terry Crews Also Keeps A Picture Of Julius From ‘Everybody Hates Chris’ In His Wallet

Earlier this month, a random guy on the Internet shared a simple life hack to saving money — keep a picture of Julius in you wallet. Julius was the cost-cutting father on Everybody Hates Chris, Chris Rock’s underrated television show based on his childhood. As head of the family, Julius was so hilariously cheap that he didn’t believe in sleeping with an alarm clock on because it’s impossible to tell time while sleeping. Now, in an Inception-esque twist, Terry Crews just revealed that he also keeps a picture of Julius to prevent him from buying unnecessary stuff like undershirts and hair products.

The Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor blew brains out earlier today on Facebook when he uploaded a picture of his wallet. Inside, housed a mean-mugging picture of Julius staring sharply into your wasteful soul. Coincidentally, Terry’s caption was pretty much identical to Daniel Cabral’s original caption, with only “Terry Crews” being replaced with “myself” because, well, Terry is himself. “I keep this pic of myself in my wallet so I can see it when I’m about to waste money on things I don’t need lol.”

A good money-saving tip after Crews spent “thousands of dollars on computer parts,” but as he puts it, he needed those. I, on the other hand, don’t need extra guac.