The ‘Billy On The Street’ Season Five Trailer Is Star-Studded As All Heck

Billy on the Street finally returns to TruTV on November 15, and if this trailer for the fifth season is any indication, the world is a very different place than it was last time Billy Eichner yelled at people on the streets of New York City. For one thing, Eichner is becoming a much more recognizable figure, which probably made filming slightly more difficult, as the first woman he approaches exclaims, “Oh. My. God. It’s you.”

Also different is that we’re now under the looming threat of a Donald Trump presidency, which will clearly provide Eichner with plenty of fodder in the upcoming season, as he asks questions such as: “For a dollar, name a racist,” and “Miss, for a dollar, name a liar.” (Hopefully Trump won’t get elected prior to the season airing, or this is gonna be super awkward.)

But most notably, as previously promised, the new season will feature a metric crap ton of famous faces, including Jon Hamm, John Oliver, Seth Rogen, Keegan Michael Key, Andy Samberg, Lupita Nyong’o, one of Hollywood’s only “openly Indian actors” Aziz Ansari, and Jodie Foster — I mean, Jacob Tremblay of Room. We’ll just assume because of timing he probably wasn’t able to get the kids from Stranger Things in time.