On July 14, the day before it premiered, no one was talking about Stranger Things. Four months later, Netflix’s nostalgic supernatural series is a cultural sensation. Every day, there’s a new mashup or fan theory, and just wait until Halloween, when half your party is dressed like Eleven.
Today, actress Millie Bobby Brown was joined by David Harbour (Chief Hopper) at a New York Comic-Con panel called “Inside the Upside Down.” They discussed what Harbour called an “insane” season two, which begins filming soon, without actually giving anything away. He confirmed that yes, “Barb is very much dead,” while she talked about the cast’s first table read, where her only lines of dialogue were “no,” “yes,” “Papa,” and “yeah.” Brown suggested, “She’s gotta talk more.” During shooting, Brown also wondered, “Why don’t we just call Will on the [cell] phone?” We are old and dying every second.
Speaking of death: in the season finale, Eleven sacrificed herself to save her friends. Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are certain she’s dead, but Hopper mysteriously left some Eggo Waffles in the woods. Does he know something we don’t? When someone in the Comic-Con crowd asked what it would be like if Hopper (whose young daughter passed away) adopted Eleven, he replied, “There would be a rich emotional arc there that I would like to explore.”
How delightfully 1980s it would be for Hopper, the crusty ol’ cop, to learn to love life again thanks to a precocious child. Now he just needs a dog.
(Via Vanity Fair)