Bill Maher Says What We’re All Thinking About Trump’s Lewd Comments: ‘Mike Pence, Your Move’

Most of late night this week was devoted to discussing Trump’s tax returns, a big revelation that took the attention away from his war with Former Ms. Universe Alica Machado and was our first sniff of the candidate’s financials apart from the required financial disclosure statement. It was huge until Friday’s leaked audio of Trump having a “locker room conversation” with Billy Bush on the Access Hollywood bus back in 2005. Many hosts from late night were forced to use some off time to put out their own responses online, but Bill Maher made it a focus of for it too his live show on Friday night.

He had the panel for it too, inviting James Carville and Mark Cuban to discuss the leaked audio and Trump’s tax antics. Carville beliefs that this is the moment that will force Trump to quit the race, but Maher disagrees because his “basket of deplorables” don’t care and will support their guy no matter the controversy — something he hits on during “New Rules.”

Cuban also clears up a few misconceptions about the tax controversy, noting that Trump is not the genius that Rudy Giuliani and the other campaign surrogates claim him to be. Not only did he bilk an investor of money, he allegedly also bilked shareholders in the Atlantic City casinos, sending the negativity both ways.

Maher highlights the segment by reading the dialogue from the tape and putting out a message to Mike Pence: “Your move.”

“New Rules” goes into detail about why Trump’s supporters continue to stick around and defend him. Maher believes they all bought Trump’s warnings that the country was going to “hell” and that the nation needs saving. This leads to the crazy “Flight 93” meme going around for Trump supporters, where we’re facing certain doom from Hillary either way, so we need to rush her cockpit. He calls them hysterics that truly buy into the bravado and how they believe the system is rigged. It’s basically the Trump MO right now.

The rest of Real TIme did its best to highlight the new level of lying that we’ve seen throughout this election. Maher achieves this by bringing back “I Don’t Know It For A Fact, But I Know Its True” and having a discussion with Al Franken on the new level of lying that Donald Trump has achieved. It’s nice to see Franken back on the show, even if he can’t discuss things with as much honesty as you’d expect.

(Via Real Time)