Leave It To A Canadian To Reward Sober Driving In The Very Best Way

We know the scenario: You started with a few, and ended up having a few too many. It happens. What can’t happen, what should never happen, is that you decide to drive home when you’re drunk. It’s not worth it, on so many levels.

Original Joe’s restaurant knows that, and they rewarded a driver in the most Canadian way possible: By giving her some chicken. One pound of chicken, to be precise.

“When I found the letter on my windshield, I thought I was getting in trouble for leaving my car in front of the entryway to the pub,” said Paula Grzelak-Schultz on Facebook. “Definitely going back. Not just because of the voucher, but because of how well this guy treats his patrons.”

It sounds a little like an ad, but the warm words are understandable. Making the right call about drinking and driving should be a reward unto itself, but free chicken is always nice.

“They came here and they chose to spend some of their few precious free minutes with us,” Joe’s managing partner Jay McLean told Global News. “I just hope they feel appreciated and thanked for not getting behind the wheel.

Considering how many times the original Facebook status was shared, McLean should expect to wake up to a full parking lot, come the weekend. After all, who doesn’t want a pound of chicken?