The ‘Uncharted’ Movie Is Back On With A ‘Stranger Things’ Director At The Helm

We’ve been covering Sony’s attempts to turn their video game series Uncharted into a film franchise for a long, long time. It’s gone through several directors and several scripts. But, with Assassin’s Creed looking good, Sony has apparently decided it needs a dose of Stranger Things, in the form of the show’s executive producer and director of several episodes, Shawn Levy.

Uncharted follows Nathan Drake, adventurer, rogue, and claimed descendant of Sir Francis Drake, as he explores ancient temples, lost islands, and other pulpy locales for stuff to steal. Yes, he’s Indiana Jones, only without ethics. The games, created by developer Naughty Dog, are notably for their flashy gunplay, cinematic setpieces, and beautiful graphics. In other words, it’s a bit baffling Sony’s had such a hard time bringing it to theaters.

Levy, of course, is a fairly experienced director of blockbusters, with the Night At The Museum movies and the underrated robot-boxing movie Real Steel under his belt. And if anybody can clear the debris of previous incarnations and deliver an actual movie out of Sony’s efforts, it’s probably Levy, who has a surprisingly long career as director, producer, and even actor that dates back to the 1990s. That said, this is one powerful curse this movie seems to be operating under, so Levy had better work fast.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)