Starbucks Is Bringing Back Its Spookiest Drink, But Only Until Halloween


Starbucks is famous for its seasonal and secret drinks, and the chain’s doing something special this week: It’s bringing back its once-a-year Halloween concoction back for one week only. Here’s what you need to know: It’s called the Frappula, it’ll make you feel like the trendiest vampire, and you’d better rush down to your local store like a serial killer’s chasing you (or at least trying to outrace you there) before it’s gone.

Cosmopolitan reveals that the drink, which will be sold starting today (October 27) and end its haunting on Halloween, is a mixture of chocolate and fruity flavors that’s perfect to sip through a pair of plastic fangs.

From Cosmopolitan:

Baristas make the drink by starting with mocha sauce and whipped cream at the bottom of the cup, followed by white chocolate mocha Frappuccino. Then it’s topped with raspberry syrup to give you all of those Halloween feels.

If nothing else, the amount of sugar in this drink will give you the energy you need to rage all night (you know there’s a party Saturday) and even though it’s probably not any good for your waistline, it’s also likely safer than that  dangerous vodka/Red Bull combination you may have been thinking of pounding all night long.

If you can’t make it to a Starbucks there’s still some good news: The drink can be made any time of the year — Starbucks has all the essentials on an everyday basis — but you may have to write the ingredients down and explain them to the barista while making sure not to take up everyone’s time. That might actually be scarier than the drink itself.

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