Amazon Selling The New Lady Gaga Album For 99 Cents Again Today

Lady Gaga, who recently joined forces with Farmville to create “Gagaville,” has been everywhere on and off the web this week promoting the sh*t out of her new album, “Born This Way” — even eating paper on Letterman — leading Mashable to classify her, accurately, as a “promotional juggernaut.”

Most notably, Amazon on Monday made the MP3 version “Born This Way” available to download for 99 cents. But, of course, the demand was crazy high and Amazon was woefully unprepared to handle the traffic onslaught and so the whole thing turned into a Herculean boondoggle, leaving many people unable to download the release. (Only people like Luke Russert were able to get it, apparently.) So today Amazon is giving another go of it, insisting that they’re ready for their servers to be overloaded by Gaga’s monsters this time, they promise.

I will say that I downloaded it about a half hour ago with no problem, but I did notice that the other albums I recently downloaded from Amazon, I think there were six in the past month, weren’t showing up in my vaunted Amazon Cloud player. There was like, no record that I’d ever bought them. Not that it really matters since I’d already downloaded them to my computer, but I thought the whole purpose behind Cloud was to archive music FOREVER on the web? Did this happen to anyone else?

Anyway, go download that album. Will I secretly listen to it when I’m on the treadmill tonight? Um, does Pablo Sandoval love cake?