Michael Jackson’s Kid, Prince Michael, Is Now A Celebrity Journalist, Surprisingly Not Creepy

I don’t know what I was expecting when I saw that Prince Michael, Michael Jackson’s 16-year-old firstborn (yeah, you’re old), has become a celebrity reporter on Entertainment Tonight. I guess I was expecting a light-skinned bejeweled, moonwalking Gollum wrapped in a blanket reporting at all times with an umbrella over his head. But this guy? Are we sure he’s Michael Jackson’s son? (Actually, there’s a lot of debate about that question, debate which apparently I missed because at a certain point in the 90s, I got Michael Jackson fatigue and stopped paying attention to anything Jackson-related).

ANYWHOO, it turns out he’s a thoughtful and well-spoken teenager who has somehow managed to avoid acne, has a deep voice, and from the looks of it, is a normal human being. Good for him. Really. I wouldn’t trade places with that guy for anything in the world. I can only imagine what growing up as the son of Michael Jackson might be like, and how he will never, ever get out from underneath the shadow of Jackson’s legacy, both good and bad. It’s impossible to look at the guy without wanting to ask him a million questions, none of which he’s probably keen to answer.

He debuted this week on Entertainment Tonight with interviews with the Sam Raimi, James Franco, and Zach Braff from Oz The Great and Powerful. The video is below because there’s no way you’re not a little bit curious.


For most of us, this is what Prince Michael looked like the last time we saw him. He’s the one in the middle, with Blanket on the left and Jackson’s daughter, Paris, on the right.
