Must Listen: Bob Dylan Performed Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Dancing In The Dark’ In 1990

One of the things that is so wonderful about the Internet, aside from Alison Brie GIFs and pictures of koala bears dressed like people, is the random discoveries of otherwise lost music. For instance, there was the self-proclaimed “lazy guy” who had that near-perfect record store recording of a Rage Against the Machine performance from 21 years ago, and today we’ve got a recording of Bob Dylan performing Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark” from a 1990 concert at Toad’s Place in New Haven, Connecticut.

YouTube user “Dylandude89” posted this recording from the three-hour performance by Dylan and it’s pretty great. The dude has other rare performances as well, including a 1999 performance of “I Shall be Released” with Elvis Costello. If ever there’s a YouTube wormhole to fall into on a lazy Sunday, this is one hell of a good start.

(H/T to Rolling Stone’s Andy Greene)