Justin Bieber And Chris Brown, Together At Last In ‘Next To You’ Video

I ask you, dear Uproxx reader, is there a stranger juxtaposition than that of Chris Brown and Justin Bieber in a video together? I think not. While one’s public image is the epitome of teen moral virtue, the other’s is that of petulant, lady-beating punk. I wonder how the deranged Beliebers feel about this? Isn’t this sort of akin to Glen Campbell and Ike Turner teaming up to perform a love ballad back in the day?

Something else I found strange in this video — the world appears to be ending, but Brown and Bieber are just wandering the streets singing and dancing to express their love for their girls. I know the song is supposed to be about being there — “Next To You” — to comfort someone when their world is crumbling, but it still struck me as kind of odd. Brown’s girl winds up dead, which compels him to respond by dancing, while Bieber finds his in the end and gets a kiss. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?

With that said, this could totally be the oblivious Canadian makeout couple’s themesong. In fact, I’m hereby declaring it so. So there, it’s done.

“One day when the sky is falling I’ll be standing right next to you…nothing will ever come between us I’ll be standing right next to you.”

See, it’s perfect. Cheesy as f*ck, but perfect. What timing!

(HT: Vulture)