This Corgi Is a Total WASP

Man, I’ve had a long week of looking at chill-ass WASP Corgi ever since he appeared on The Daily What last Sunday. I call him Alasdair Vandercorg, Esq. Look at that GQ MF. Just relaxing and reading a book on corgis. I’ll bet you he’s got a snifter of brandy in that other paw.
Obviously, Professor Vandercorg is more than sufficient to carry Corgi Friday, but I’ve got a couple more delightful corgis from around the Internet on the following slides, plus more of Alasdair. Enjoy.

(via Paula Deen Riding Things)

Would I watch The Lion King remade with corgis? Yes, and I’d also sell all my worldly possessions to fund such an undertaking. Just imagine corgis barking to “Hakuna Matata.”

Obviously, I don’t approve of this owner dragging his or her dog across ice just to film it slipping and falling. However, it does give me an idea for a show called “Corgis on Ice.” I’m envisioning a national tour.

I think of him as congenial and friendly, but woefully encased in upper-crust society.