Kevin Durant Rips Reporter Who Questioned Nick Collison’s Extension

The Oklahoma City Thunder signed long-time backup big man Nick Collison to a two-year $7.5 million contract extension today. While that seems a bit much on the surface for a 34 year-old player who has already notched seven DNP-CDs this season, it’s impossible to measure value of the many intangibles Collison brings to the table – and has since he was drafted as a SuperSonic in 2003. And as the salary cap continues to rise before ballooning in 2016-2017, an approximate $4 million salary isn’t what it once was, either.

This seems a fair deal to us, basically, and that’s how we felt when news of Collison’s extension broke this morning: good for player, good for team. Kevin Durant certainly approved, too, which is ever-important considering his impending free agency at the conclusion of next season:

But some people prefer to stir the pot when an opportunity to do so arises. Chris Palmer did just that earlier today with this hot take:

Durant noticed. And instead of idly watching Collison’s good name be lambasted, the reigning MVP fired back at Palmer:

Damn. Palmer, who wrote for ESPN in the past, quickly got on the defensive – but still showed Durant proper respect, of course:

We like when players use their social media accounts like the millions of fans that follow them. If Durant was offended enough by Palmer’s comment to want to respond, he’s entitled to do so irrespective of his place in the public eye. We wish more of his peers would follow suit.

Good for KD. And congratulations to Collison on a hard-earned extension, too.

What do you think?

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