The Lonely Island’s ‘Go Kindergarten’ Video Features Robyn, Diddy And Paul Rudd

The Lonely Island’s third studio effort, “The Wack Album”, hit iTunes, Amazon and everywhere else today, and with it comes the new video for the single, “Go Kindergarten”. Poking fun at the dance club trend of doing everything that a song tells you to, Andy Samberg and Co. bring in guest stars like Robyn, Diddy and Paul Rudd to do everything from eat trash to chop their middle fingers off.

And I’m not 100% positive, but I think that’s former Scrubs star Sarah Chalke making an appearance around the 1:50 mark, when Jorma Taccone instructs the ladies in the club to whip their d-cks out. Needless to say, it’s yet another Lonely Island effort that benefits greatly from having a video with it.

I’m also not completely convinced that Robyn and Amy Sedaris aren’t the same person. But as I began to investigate my theory, I was suddenly convinced to let it go. I’m not sure what could have changed my mind as such…