We Applaud This ‘Family Feud’ Contestant’s Unabashed Love For ‘Titties’

When the great Paul Scheer participated in our fun little UPROXX 20 game recently, he sang the praises of Family Feud.

“If you aren’t watching the Steve Harvey version of this, you are missing one of the funniest shows on TV (not ironically, it’s really funny),” Scheer said.

With that said, here’s a clip backing up Scheer’s contention: In response to Steve Harvey asking, “Tell me a part of the body that begins with the letter T,” a contestant responded, “Titties!” Even better was the way he responded: confident and completely devoid of even a sliver of shame or embarrassment, just the way one should be when uttering the word “titties” on a nationally televised gameshow.

Also, who knew that you could say “titties” on Family Feud without getting bleeped!

(Via Clip Nation)